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Monday, July 14, 2008


Almost everyone is familiar with Antibiotics…but fewer people know much about Probiotics. The words most frequently used to describe them are Acidophilus and Bifidus. Several other strains exist, but these are the more familiar ones, and they are both super effective.

First, I’ll go into some definitions:


PRO means FOR.

BIOTIC means LIFE. (As in the word, “Biology”)

So, what logically follows is: Antibiotics are against life.

Probiotics are for life.

Now, it’s not my intention to imply that antibiotics don’t play a vital part in healing serious infections. They are essential when used to fight off bacterial strains that are detrimental to health. When doctors prescribe an antibiotic, they want that medicine to kill the bacteria that is making you sick. After about 7 days, you’re usually all better. The antibiotic has done its job.

But, while the antibiotic has killed bad bacteria and germs, it has also killed good ones, the “friendly bacteria.” Killing them can lower your resistance to fighting off a new infection, and very often interferes with proper digestion.

So, it’s important to take remedial action right away to restore your body’s “friendly bacteria.” To accomplish this, just as soon as you finish your prescribed dose, start taking a probiotic. This is absolutely essential to bring your body back in balance …and it’s cheap and easy as well.

Go to your local Health Food store and purchase a product called PB 7. That stands for 7 different strains of ProBiotic (PB!). You may also purchase one suggested by an expert that works at the store…but be sure to get one and don’t put off taking it!

Also, eat yogurt every day. The only brands I recommend have the word “Organic” printed on the label – Stonyfield Farms is one example. All the commercial brands don’t work as well. Avoid buying them no matter what their slick advertisements on TV promise. Besides, Dannon and Yoplait and other commercial brands don’t assure you that the milk that makes up their yogurt is hormone and antibiotic free. Who needs more chemicals in our system?

There’s also a yogurt-like drink that comes in plain, and fruit flavors. It’s called, “Kefir” and it too is filled with good bacteria. As a bonus, it also contains protein for your muscles and calcium for your bones.

Organic yogurt and kefir – what delicious ways to stay healthy!

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