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Sunday, July 13, 2008

LONGEVITY: What does it mean to you?

Do you remember the lyrics from the old song titled “It Aint Necessarily So”?

There’s one verse that tells it all:

Methuselah lived nine hundred years

But who calls that livin”

If no gal would give in

To no man who’s nine hundred years?

Well, perhaps we “aint” all aimin’ for a gal, or a guy, to give in to us, but we do want to live long lives. Admittedly, nine hundred is stretching it, but the longevity sentiment is there nevertheless.

Statistics reveal that the number of older Americans is increasing at a rapid rate, and that the percentage of men and women over 60 is already over the 50% mark, and is rapidly growing. This is a definite indicator that longevity is here to stay.

What does that mean to you?

For starters, it signals a great opportunity for you to take aging into your own hands, and become the victor over aging, not its victim. You can have the desired longevity you crave.

In the past, debilitating aging appeared to be inevitable. Except for a few hardy citizens with good genes or good luck, the rest of us poor folk seemed doomed to become weak, sick, senile, sexless…you name it.

Not any more. Look around you at the countless example of vibrant, healthy, fit and attractive older people out there. Hardly a rarity, beauty and strength and inspiration are radiating from our older population.

Each of us has the opportunity to use our 70, 80, 90, 100 or more years, to create and enhance the courage, wisdom and gratitude that time offers. We, as elders, can share the blessings of longevity, and turn aging into a precious gift to give to the world.

So now, when you’re asked if aging is an inevitable decline, you can answer:

“It Aint Necessarily So”

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