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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Come Out & Meet Hattie at Her Next Hampon Book Signing

Sunset Cafe in Westhampton will host a book signing on Oct. 11 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Come and meet the fabulous Hattie and learn her secrets for reversing aging. She will be signing her new book Exquisite Aging. There will be books for sale and also specials in the Cafe.

Get more details about this Exquisite Aging event here.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

WATER AEROBICS: The Perfect Exercise for Boomers and Seniors

As a health and fitness expert, I am often asked what exercises are best for Boomers and Seniors. My answer is always, “Water Aerobics, and swimming.”

Gravity is a very important factor in the aging process. In going from being four

legged animals to human bipeds, our bodies are forced to change from a suspension mode to a compression mode.

What does this mean relative to aging? Well, for starters, the joints from the spine to the hips to the knees are under constant pressure. This pressure can result in the breakdown of cartilage, bone damage and…PAIN!

With Water Aerobics and swimming, the pressure from gravity is removed, causing decreased stress on the skeletal structure.

Less Stress =Less Pain

When the pain factor is lessened, it becomes far easier to exercise more frequently and for greater periods of time. Also, when the stress on the joints is diminished, there is less damage and consequently, a slowing down of the body’s aging process.

And who doesn’t want that?

I have been swimming and doing Water Aerobics almost every day for 20 years!

This satisfying exercise has enabled me to be slender, flexible and strong up to now…in my 70’s.

“Get in the water and start working out.” is my counsel.


There’s no denying that aging is a fact. There’s no point in fighting time, because it’s not under our control. Now that definitely doesn’t mean that aging isn’t under our control. To a great degree, our thoughts, attitudes and actions determine how we age.

It’s been proven time and time again that how we treat ourselves, and how we view ourselves can greatly affect the aging process. If you are a person who gives in to the ravages of time, you will become infirm, unfit and unattractive, just as you feared.

However, if instead you decide to take the necessary steps to create youthfulness for your entire life, that prize can be yours.

It takes work, commitment and courage.

You know that you must exercise and eat carefully, but are you doing it? You must truly acknowledge that with reversing aging, the stakes are high. If you are ready to accept the downsides of being older, they will definitely visit you. But if you are resolute about changing your habits, you will reap the benefits of a life of productivity and ageless beauty.

What can you do right now?

● Begin a vigorous exercise program. If you need motivation, hire a trainer.

● Eliminate all fried foods, white sugar and flour and all fast foods.

● Make sure to eat fresh fruit and vegetables daily, preferably organically grown.

● Research vitamins, minerals and herbs, and begin taking them regularly.

keep checking yourself, front and back, in the mirror in a WELL-LIGHTED room. acknowledge your flaws, and quickly take steps to change them so that they are pleasing to you.

one of my “hattietudes” is

“what gets hidden, gets ugly”

● and, if your choose not to change certain things, that’s fine, just make sure to honor and respect your choices…and the aging process itself.

“be good to yourself through time, and time will return the favor!”

SEX AND AGING Different…But Still Wonderful

I don’t think that there’s one living soul that doesn’t fear that aging will rob them of the joys of sex. This fear, though natural, and certainly common, does not have to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We are brainwashed into believing that making love is reserved for the young, and because of this, we often spend our golden years dreading the future.

Who wants that?

I certainly didn’t. As soon as I “hit” menopause – or, if you prefer – when it hit me – I vowed to do everything in my power not to lose my sex drive. I quickly realized that to achieve this goal would take focus and work. I was up for both. After all, with such high stakes, my motivation was strong. This is what I learned.

First of all, you must start by appreciating yourself. Nothing takes away sexuality faster than self-hatred. Whenever a nasty thought about aging surfaces, turn it around immediately. As you develop a deep love for yourself at every stage of life, you will reap the benefits that time provides.

Yes, your love-making style will change. Perhaps you’re not as fit as you once were. Or, if you’re ill, that will interfere as well. But there’s a difference between something not being the same, and something that is gone forever. I believe that the capacity for love increases over the years, not decreases.

So, if the physical expression of love, which may not be as strong as it once was, is enhanced with greater emotional and spiritual attributes, your sex life, though different, can be deeply satisfying, wonderful…and let’s not forget…FUN!

THE SECRET OF YOUTH: Aging Gracefully – Possible and Wonderful

As the creator of Retroage, I am often asked, “What is the secret of youth?” There are so many individuals that are afraid of aging; all eager to learn whatever “secrets” I can share to help them age gracefully.

In my experience, there are four essential secrets to aging gracefully:

1. First, and most important is to desire youthfulness with all your heart and soul.

2. Second, you must be open to change and ready to receive answers on how to become young.

3. You must take the necessary steps to achieve your goals.

4. Believe that you will achieve your heart’s desire.

5. Don’t stop when you hit hurdles…and you will

People often say, “You’re only as young as you feel.” Actually I disagree, with my usual answer being, “Maybe… but only until you look in the mirror!” For me, the only guaranteed way to age gracefully is to keep working at it, never accepting the discouraging words, “you’re too old.”

Yes, there will be times when you’ll get discouraged, even feel too tired or lazy to fight for your passions. Certainly, this has happened to me many times over the years. But I am resolute in my desire, open to change, take the necessary steps, believe that I will achieve my goals…and I never give up!

So you see, I’ve personally practiced the four secrets, and have earned unprecedented youthfulness in my mind, my body and spirit. I wish that for you as well.


Attitude is a very powerful tool in controlling our lives. If we are in the habit of creating frightening images for the future, it will not only be depressing, it might even determine how our lives will turn out.

Now, I want to encourage and assure you that even though you may dread the aging process, and are certain it will turn you into a hopeless hag, this attitude can be changed. In fact, it MUST be changed.

But first, you must want that, and want it passionately

I will share with you that I was terrified that aging would take away all the things that I have loved doing all my life. I was afraid that I would be too old to go dancing, to date, or to have sex. I wondered what would happen to my looks. Would I become saggy, fat and unappealing? These doubts haunted me day and night.

But the good part of it is that instead of my fears holding me back, they actually inspired me to take action. I combed books, took classes, ordered exercise equipment, hired a massage therapist, a trainer... you name it, I tried it.

Now in my seventies, I am remarkably fit. I swim and exercise regularly, eat nutritious, organic food, and, most important, keep my spirits lifted by maintaining a positive attitude.

You can have this too. It’s a matter of focus, and determination.

Don’t give up on your body and spirit and they won’t give up on you!


  • Don’t expect your attitudes toward aging – and yourself – to change overnight.
  • Don’t allow backslides to discourage you. Backslides are to be expected. Keep working in the face of them.
  • Don’t think you are too old for really dramatic changes.
  • Consider that what you think about aging is based on your past history, and the past history of humanity (in our culture). It may be entirely off the mark and ready for major revision – culturally and personally.
  • Be ready to give up old concepts, habits and possessions.
  • Last, but not least, be prepared to get depressed, disgusted, and discouraged! Remember that the first step to transformation is discontent and disgust with what already exists. I call this “Creative Self-Disgust”.


There are times when we all need an inspirational nudge to keep our spirits up. Who hasn’t experienced how the right words at the right time can make a huge positive difference? I believe that it’s important to continuously create verbal boosters, or “affirmations.” and repeat them as mantras whenever our spirits slacken. In this way, we’ll turn those negative attitudes into positive ones, and be motivated to make necessary changes in our lives.

To achieve an attitude shift in relation to my specialty, the aging process, since my name is Hattie, I’ve created Hattietudes™. Here are 20 positive affirmations designed to be “booster shots” that inject you with fresh energy and optimism about the aging process.


  1. Age is not the reason…it’s the excuse.
  2. Never forget the YOU in Youth.
  3. Impossible = I’m Possible
  4. Life gets harder, but you get smarter.
  5. The hands of time are yours. Take aging into your own hands.
  6. Don’t let gravity get you down.
  7. Fighting Mother Nature is good exercise.
  8. Love is contagious. Go out and catch some.
  9. Your first youth is a gift from nature; your life-long one is a gift from yourself.
  10. Convert envy into inspiration and you’ll never run out of fuel.
  11. Blame and shame maim.
  12. Age doesn’t make you forget … it teaches you what’s important to remember.
  13. Bless every rejection. It takes hundreds to get one good yes.
  14. Wrinkles don’t make you old. Babies have plenty of them.
  15. Suffering is an option you don’t have to pick up.
  16. Where there’s a will there’s a won’t. Respect the negative.
  17. Never give up your dreams. They keep you awake.
  18. If it’s been done, you can do it. If it hasn’t, you can be the first.
  19. Learn to love hard work. It’s the only way anything gets done.
  20. Youth isn’t wasted on the young – or on anyone else!


There comes a point in our lives that we become obsessed with aging. For some of us, it happens when we see those first tiny wrinkles in the corners of our eyes, or when we just can’t shed those extra pounds we packed on over the holidays.

With the passage of years, these early fears bloom full out. As we approach our forties, many of us become really frightened of becoming old. Forty is awfully close to fifty…and very few people think of fifty as young. Fifty starts sounding like old fogey or, even more dreaded, Senior Citizen.

I have created RetroAge to bring to you a totally transformed way of experiencing aging. Have you ever considered that the negative stereotypes that bombard you daily strongly impact how you will actually age? With enough negative feedback, it’s no surprise that we all fear the aging process. We’re programmed to fear it!

Certainly, it seems we are justified in dreading aging. As we look about us, we see unappealing, hunched-over older people. We see diseases, wheel chairs, halting gait, poor memory, sluggishness, sadness, false teeth, nursing homes. It’s frightening. Sad to say, many people’s lives do become awful as they age. But I believe that this happens because of negative conditioning, and poor self-care. If you choose to have a different future, you can change those dreadful images into hopeful, appealing ones.

And… the agent of change is RetroAge!

RetroAge provides you with a choice for your future. Either you can, quite literally, stand by and wait for your face to wrinkle, your joints to ache and your memory to fade, or you can take action to reverse almost all negative aspects of aging.

Yes. How you age is in your hands. Grasp it, respect it, and you’ll transform an inevitable decline into an exciting uphill climb. Yes, it’s a climb. But it’s surely worth it!

See you on the mountain!

WRINKLES: Are You Afraid of Them?

It seems that almost everyone, both women and men, are terrified of getting wrinkles.

TV commercials and magazine ads bombard us daily with totally line- free faces, making the

rest of us mortals feel like there’s something wrong with us.

What’s the message here?

I believe it’s an invidious attempt to make us so discontent that we become impelled to feverishly run out and purchase their advertised products. After all, who doesn’t want a face without any wrinkles?

Well, for one, I DON’T! Naturally, I don’t want my face – or any other part of me – to be dry as cowhide, and saggy. No one would. Advertisers attempt to convince us that without their products, aged, ugly skin is our inevitable destiny. But that is definitely not true.

The face, like the rest of our body, needs constant care – nutritious food, and EXERCISE! Yes, exercise. You wouldn’t expect the rest of your body to be in great shape without exercise, so why would you expect your face to “shape up” without it? You need to include daily facial exercises when you wash and moisturize your skin at night and in the morning.

I have been doing my “Lift Your Face” exercises for years…and also vigorously massaging my facial muscles using a chemical-free moisturizer. I even dry brush my skin to remove dead skin to reveal the glowing, fresh skin underneath. I want to emphasize that I do all this without any commercial products that contain SLS, parabens, or anything I can’t pronounce!

It’s not the crèmes and lotions that make for youthful skin…it’s the care you give it. I urge you to try facial massage, exercise, exfoliation with a natural fiber brush or loofah, and moisturizing twice daily with totally natural, chemical-free product.

With continuous attention and focus on the needs of your skin, the results will delight you. They have certainly surprised me.

Do I have some wrinkles?

Yes I do.

Are they part of a healthy, glowing, cared-for face?
Yes they are.

Give it a try. Your face will thank you.


One of the most haunting fears of young people is that aging will take away their sex drive. Or worse yet, they’ll still have the desire, but won’t be appealing or desirable.

Well, I’m in my 70’s, and I want to assure you that this needn’t be the case.

Think about it. Who doesn’t know many young people who appear to be so unattractive that sexuality seems to be as unlikely as a snowball surviving in the tropics?

And contrast that with the many older individuals who have actively maintained a healthy, vibrant, productive life. They look, and act sexy. It’s all about energy and focus.

Personally, that very fear of losing my looks and appeal is what has kept motivating me to eat less and exercise more!

When you get down to it, being sexual is not about age. It’s about desire and discipline. If you truly wish to be desirable at every age, you have to work at it. Yes, the “w” word – work! But when you acknowledge the long-term gains from taking superb care of your body, the work becomes second nature…. even enjoyable.

And let’s not overlook the importance of mastering a positive mental outlook. Let’s face it. Our minds are constantly delivering all sorts of negative messages to us.

“Who will want you anyway” You’re too old!” “There’s no one out there for you.”

“Stop expecting great sex. It’s over, girl.”

Yes, we “hear” this stuff a lot. Some of it comes from society’s cruel judgments, but much of it comes from inside of ourselves. It takes constant practice, but if you truly wish to change from negative to positive, you can achieve that goal.

I’ve created a list of “Hattietudes” that inspire me.

My favorite is:

The opposite of old isn’t young…it’s new!

Don’t give up. Keep renewing your life, your thoughts, your surroundings, and, as a natural consequence, your sexuality is sure to follow.

COLONICS: Do They Really Do The Job for Chronic Constipation?

Years ago, very few people concerned themselves with toxins and how the body stores them in the large and small intestines. In fact, who ever spent much time thinking about intestines altogether? When people were constipated, they kept it to themselves and their doctors. It was hush-hush. But not any more!

Sure, we all knew some hardy individuals that followed strict eating regimes and monitored their bowel movements. But they were in the minority, and we called them “Health Food Nuts.”

Now, with nationwide obesity and the many serious health problems associated with overweight, we are forced to pay attention to our gut – excuse the pun, but we now have a gut reaction!

As a health professional, I am often asked what I think about colonics as a way of cleansing and detoxifying the body. Here’s my counsel.

The large intestine is separated from the small intestine by a valve, called the ileo-coecal valve. This valve insures that fecal matter from the large intestine never backs up and re-enters the digestive tract, as this would poison the body. As a result of the protection from this valve, a colonic is only able to clean the lower portion of the intestines.

For sure, any non-chemical intestinal cleansing is better than no bowel cleansing at all. Hardly a person alive hasn’t experienced the discomfort of a congested large intestine. But I believe that colonics alone are too temporary a solution to chronic constipation.

In my view, it’s essential to choose a cleanse that you ingest through the mouth, that then continues to work it’s way down the body, clearing and cleaning along its nine yard journey. Yes, that’s where the phrase “the whole nine yards” originated!

And, don’t expect it to be a one day job either. Good cleanses take about 7-10 days to be truly effective. Check out good ones at your local Health Food store, and get ready to feel lighter and cleaner.

Personally, I like the ‘Master Cleanse” which consists of fresh lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. That, plus 10 days of super-discipline, works like a “roto-rooter” for your digestive tract.

Happy cleansing!


These days everyone seems to be complaining about wrinkles and aging. Both men and women are worried about what they look like, and they are filled with questions as to what to do about their concerns.

Naturally, this makes for a very fertile field for cosmetic and skincare companies. Television and print ads are appearing regularly with promises to keep us young forever.

Well, the bad news is that, like linen, skin is guaranteed to wrinkle. BUT, there’s good news to counter that awful prediction:

Anyone, at any age can smooth and soften those inevitable lines and wrinkles!

Yes, daily moisturizing and periodic ex foliation can assure a face that is not punctuated by dry, unsightly wrinkles and lines. And once you get into the habit of truly taking care of your skin, the results will astound you.

Here’s my personal regime:

1. I use only creams without chemicals, colorings or perfumes. All are ultimately damaging to the skin. I purchase my face and body care products from my local Health Food Store and from Ardath Aromas. Then my skin “knows” that it’s getting the purest and finest ingredients, with no toxins.

2. I wash with Dr. Bronner’s Lavender soap….yes, SOAP! Our skin excretes oils, and atmospheric pollutants are often oil-based. Since all oils get rancid, which is aging, they must be washed completely away every day.

3. Post-washing it’s important to rinse thoroughly with cool water before applying moisturizer.

4. As to ex foliation, I NEVER USE commercial products that promise to remove dead skin. Instead I vigorously brush my skin with a natural fiber buff pad or brush. This removes dead cells, increases circulation, and stimulates the skin to a glowing freshness and brightness.

Want a totally wrinkle-free face? I say, no way.

Want a lovely, clean glowing, sexy face, at every age?

To that I say, “yes.”

Take good care of your skin, and it will take good care of you.

Monday, July 14, 2008

BAD BREATH: A Major Turn Off

Who doesn’t want clean, sweet-smelling breath? Certainly not your lover. Now’s the time to make sure that your oral hygiene is up to par so that you are, to coin a phrase, “kissing sweet!”

Bad breath can be caused in many ways. I’ll tell you about each way separately, but you may have more than one problem area to clear up.

TEETH – Most bad breath comes from food stuck between the teeth. Brushing alone won’t remove this odor-causing condition. You must FLOSS AT LEAST ONCE A DAY, and preferably after every meal. Also make sure to floss before you go to bed. Then brush, and don’t eat anything else until breakfast.

Do you go to the dentist for a cleaning once, or twice, a year? If you haven’t recently seen a dental hygienist for a thorough cleaning, make an appointment right away. Not only will a good cleaning make your breath sweeter, it will save your teeth and keep them sparkling clean.

TONGUE – Believe it or not, the back of the tongue holds bacteria that cause bad breath.

You don’t have to buy a tongue cleaner (unless you want to). All you have to do is take a spoon upside down and scrape it down your tongue from back to front. When you look at the spoon, you’ll see how much “goop” was stuck on your tongue.

INDIGESTION – The last possible cause is poor digestion. When that happens the smell is coming from inside your body. Eating non-diet yogurt often helps digestion, and taking a good probiotic helps as well.

Then there’s mouthwash. I never use “regular “ brands like Lavoris or Scope. They usually contain alcohol and artificial color. It’s better to choose a natural brand, and check the label to make sure that it doesn’t contain alcohol, artificial ingredients, or artificial colors. TOMS is one the companies that makes a good mouthwash. Check out others in your Health Food store, and choose one in a flavor you like.

What about mints and gum? Well, though they don’t really take away bad breath, they at least cover it up for a while. The only really effective way to stop bad breath after eating garlic or onions, etc. is to take something internally. A good product is called, BREATHASSURE. Swallow a couple and rest assured that you won’t make anyone around you pass out!

Here’s to a sweet-smelling and a clean-feeling mouth!


Almost everyone is familiar with Antibiotics…but fewer people know much about Probiotics. The words most frequently used to describe them are Acidophilus and Bifidus. Several other strains exist, but these are the more familiar ones, and they are both super effective.

First, I’ll go into some definitions:


PRO means FOR.

BIOTIC means LIFE. (As in the word, “Biology”)

So, what logically follows is: Antibiotics are against life.

Probiotics are for life.

Now, it’s not my intention to imply that antibiotics don’t play a vital part in healing serious infections. They are essential when used to fight off bacterial strains that are detrimental to health. When doctors prescribe an antibiotic, they want that medicine to kill the bacteria that is making you sick. After about 7 days, you’re usually all better. The antibiotic has done its job.

But, while the antibiotic has killed bad bacteria and germs, it has also killed good ones, the “friendly bacteria.” Killing them can lower your resistance to fighting off a new infection, and very often interferes with proper digestion.

So, it’s important to take remedial action right away to restore your body’s “friendly bacteria.” To accomplish this, just as soon as you finish your prescribed dose, start taking a probiotic. This is absolutely essential to bring your body back in balance …and it’s cheap and easy as well.

Go to your local Health Food store and purchase a product called PB 7. That stands for 7 different strains of ProBiotic (PB!). You may also purchase one suggested by an expert that works at the store…but be sure to get one and don’t put off taking it!

Also, eat yogurt every day. The only brands I recommend have the word “Organic” printed on the label – Stonyfield Farms is one example. All the commercial brands don’t work as well. Avoid buying them no matter what their slick advertisements on TV promise. Besides, Dannon and Yoplait and other commercial brands don’t assure you that the milk that makes up their yogurt is hormone and antibiotic free. Who needs more chemicals in our system?

There’s also a yogurt-like drink that comes in plain, and fruit flavors. It’s called, “Kefir” and it too is filled with good bacteria. As a bonus, it also contains protein for your muscles and calcium for your bones.

Organic yogurt and kefir – what delicious ways to stay healthy!


Rarely will you hear any woman say that she is happy about the arrival of menopause. Now, I’m not about to attempt to convince you that this time in life is fabulous. That wouldn’t be a fair promise. Menopause does confront us with many realities that we’d probably rather not face. But face them we must, and when we do, I can promise you that wonderful surprises are in store for you.

The first step for any woman approaching menopause is to acknowledge her doubts and fears. Changes at any age or stage generally cause us to become frightened and insecure. We question, “What will happen to me now?” and uncertainty never feels good.

I want to share with you that I too was terrified that I would become chubby, sexless, wrinkled and unappealing. But, my menopause arrived 22 years ago, and none of these fears have materialized.

Sure, I’m older, but rather than allowing my fears to overtake my Being, I decided to treat menopause as a new and exciting challenge. I began an exercise program, which included swimming several times a week at a local pool. That made me stronger, and kept me from gaining weight. Then I researched special herbs that help women overcome some of the physical downsides of menopause, like night sweats and hot flashes. I discovered a wonderful herb, Royal Maca, from a company called Whole World Botanicals, and added herbs to my health regime.

For me, menopause, in its own way, proved to be a blessing. It forced me to truthfully face myself, and gave me the courage and motivation to make the changes that make a difference in my own life…and, ultimately in the lives of those around me.

As you take action to make your own menopause marvelous, no matter what you have to face, you will transform from being a discouraged, complaining older woman, into a glowing example of mature beauty.

And, being an inspiration is a fine way to spend one’s life!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

AGING SKIN: Can We Do Anything About It?

Hardly a day goes by in which we are not faced with the dangers of sun exposure.

How many of us can recall our youthful years of slathering ourselves with baby oil, and lying out in the midday sun to catch those precious tanning rays? Yes, that’s what we did, mindless of its skin aging effects and potential skin cancer risks.

There’s a song that teases:

“Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.”

That sentiment might have been uttered in jest, but these days, skin cancer, brown age spots and prematurely aging skin are no laughing matter.

You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating:

Do not go out in the midday sun -- that’s from 11 am to 2 pm -- unless you are heavily protected. Now, what do I personally mean when I caution you to be protected? From my point of view, safe sunning requires much, much more than the application of sun block.

Here are my suggestions:

1. Always wear a hat. Don’t just wear a cap. Choose a lightweight one with a brim to protect your hair, your scalp and, most importantly, your face.

2. Purchase your sun block at a Health Food store, not at a department store or a pharmacy. When you are exposed to the sun, you do not want to bake dangerous chemicals into you skin. Chemicals exacerbate skin aging, and almost all commercial brands contain them. I recommend Aubrey products, and those you can purchase from the website.

3. Wear sunglasses even when you’re swimming. Eyes can be damaged permanently if not properly protected.

4. Use Aloe Vera after any exposure to the sun. It is a natural healer, and helps prevent burning and blistering. If you can purchase a whole leaf from your health food store, do it. Cut away the green skin and apply the inside “guck” to your body. Be careful with your clothing when applying because it stains badly. But whatever its downsides, Aloe Vera is a remarkable resource for keeping your skin young and healthy.

5. Wear lightweight, gauzy all-cotton clothing that covers your skin, but still is appropriate for the hottest days. Cotton protects, absorbs perspiration, and is stylish to boot.

6. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Use only the finest crèmes, making sure they do not contain parabens, SLS, or mineral oil. Read those labels!

Thus protected, go out and enjoy the beauty and renewal the sun provides.

As a final note, I want to reveal that I do not avoid the sun. Of course I want to avoid skin aging, but I believe we need it to produce ample Vitamin D, to keep our bones calcified, and to penetrate into our bone marrow. I want to stress the importance of bone marrow – it’s the body’s amazing manufacturing plant that produces both red and white blood cells, essentials components of our immune system. Since our bone marrow requires sunlight to pass through the skin, don’t avoid exposure to the sun altogether.

Love the sun. But love your skin as well.

LONGEVITY: What does it mean to you?

Do you remember the lyrics from the old song titled “It Aint Necessarily So”?

There’s one verse that tells it all:

Methuselah lived nine hundred years

But who calls that livin”

If no gal would give in

To no man who’s nine hundred years?

Well, perhaps we “aint” all aimin’ for a gal, or a guy, to give in to us, but we do want to live long lives. Admittedly, nine hundred is stretching it, but the longevity sentiment is there nevertheless.

Statistics reveal that the number of older Americans is increasing at a rapid rate, and that the percentage of men and women over 60 is already over the 50% mark, and is rapidly growing. This is a definite indicator that longevity is here to stay.

What does that mean to you?

For starters, it signals a great opportunity for you to take aging into your own hands, and become the victor over aging, not its victim. You can have the desired longevity you crave.

In the past, debilitating aging appeared to be inevitable. Except for a few hardy citizens with good genes or good luck, the rest of us poor folk seemed doomed to become weak, sick, senile, sexless…you name it.

Not any more. Look around you at the countless example of vibrant, healthy, fit and attractive older people out there. Hardly a rarity, beauty and strength and inspiration are radiating from our older population.

Each of us has the opportunity to use our 70, 80, 90, 100 or more years, to create and enhance the courage, wisdom and gratitude that time offers. We, as elders, can share the blessings of longevity, and turn aging into a precious gift to give to the world.

So now, when you’re asked if aging is an inevitable decline, you can answer:

“It Aint Necessarily So”

ANTI-AGING: Fact or Fiction

These days, with the growing population of older Americans, the buzzword is, Anti-Aging. It seems that no one wants to age.

Ever since Superman rolled back the Wheel of Time and Ponce de Leon sought the Fountain of Youth, we have been fighting to stop the aging process. I believe that the question of whether or not we can win this battle depends on how we experience aging.

Time passes. We all know that. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity tells us that how we experience the passage of time is relative to what is going on. Well, that holds true for aging as well. What we consider “old” and what we consider “young” is dependent on what is going on in our lives at any one time. It’s all relative. We can decide we are against aging –ANTI-AGING – or decide to be PRO-AGING…meaning that we are not fighting time, but instead are making the most of it.

If we view our lives only from the perspective of chronological age, we can, in fact, feel like a victim of Time. Then we will become intent on anti-aging. But if, instead, we use our years to grow and learn and become glowing examples of exquisite aging, we will enrich our own lives – and, as an added benefit, add immeasurably to the lives of the young.

After all, everyone is destined to grow old…but hating aging and spending our mature years fighting against what we fear is an inevitable decline, is not our destiny. Instead of cursing aging for what it’s doing to us, we can embrace the aging process, while doing whatever we can to be healthy and fit at every age. This is a personal choice that each of us must make.

I’ve chosen to make Time my ally, not my enemy. So, though I am certainly against old age with illness, and loss of vitality, I am definitely for vibrant, healthy aging.

Anti-Aging? No!

Exquisite Aging? You bet!

What choice will you make?