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Thursday, August 7, 2008

WRINKLES: Are You Afraid of Them?

It seems that almost everyone, both women and men, are terrified of getting wrinkles.

TV commercials and magazine ads bombard us daily with totally line- free faces, making the

rest of us mortals feel like there’s something wrong with us.

What’s the message here?

I believe it’s an invidious attempt to make us so discontent that we become impelled to feverishly run out and purchase their advertised products. After all, who doesn’t want a face without any wrinkles?

Well, for one, I DON’T! Naturally, I don’t want my face – or any other part of me – to be dry as cowhide, and saggy. No one would. Advertisers attempt to convince us that without their products, aged, ugly skin is our inevitable destiny. But that is definitely not true.

The face, like the rest of our body, needs constant care – nutritious food, and EXERCISE! Yes, exercise. You wouldn’t expect the rest of your body to be in great shape without exercise, so why would you expect your face to “shape up” without it? You need to include daily facial exercises when you wash and moisturize your skin at night and in the morning.

I have been doing my “Lift Your Face” exercises for years…and also vigorously massaging my facial muscles using a chemical-free moisturizer. I even dry brush my skin to remove dead skin to reveal the glowing, fresh skin underneath. I want to emphasize that I do all this without any commercial products that contain SLS, parabens, or anything I can’t pronounce!

It’s not the crèmes and lotions that make for youthful skin…it’s the care you give it. I urge you to try facial massage, exercise, exfoliation with a natural fiber brush or loofah, and moisturizing twice daily with totally natural, chemical-free product.

With continuous attention and focus on the needs of your skin, the results will delight you. They have certainly surprised me.

Do I have some wrinkles?

Yes I do.

Are they part of a healthy, glowing, cared-for face?
Yes they are.

Give it a try. Your face will thank you.

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