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Thursday, August 7, 2008


There’s no denying that aging is a fact. There’s no point in fighting time, because it’s not under our control. Now that definitely doesn’t mean that aging isn’t under our control. To a great degree, our thoughts, attitudes and actions determine how we age.

It’s been proven time and time again that how we treat ourselves, and how we view ourselves can greatly affect the aging process. If you are a person who gives in to the ravages of time, you will become infirm, unfit and unattractive, just as you feared.

However, if instead you decide to take the necessary steps to create youthfulness for your entire life, that prize can be yours.

It takes work, commitment and courage.

You know that you must exercise and eat carefully, but are you doing it? You must truly acknowledge that with reversing aging, the stakes are high. If you are ready to accept the downsides of being older, they will definitely visit you. But if you are resolute about changing your habits, you will reap the benefits of a life of productivity and ageless beauty.

What can you do right now?

● Begin a vigorous exercise program. If you need motivation, hire a trainer.

● Eliminate all fried foods, white sugar and flour and all fast foods.

● Make sure to eat fresh fruit and vegetables daily, preferably organically grown.

● Research vitamins, minerals and herbs, and begin taking them regularly.

keep checking yourself, front and back, in the mirror in a WELL-LIGHTED room. acknowledge your flaws, and quickly take steps to change them so that they are pleasing to you.

one of my “hattietudes” is

“what gets hidden, gets ugly”

● and, if your choose not to change certain things, that’s fine, just make sure to honor and respect your choices…and the aging process itself.

“be good to yourself through time, and time will return the favor!”

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